


【豊里実顕地 梶山リッタ】



 特講・研鑽・一体と関連して最近やり始めたプロジェクトをみんなとシェアーしたいです。  このプロジェクトのインスピレーションの殆どは特講と研鑽学校から来たものです。











 もう一つの案(C.O.R.E)は世界中に拡がりつつあるトランジション・タウン運動の中でこの計画をやっていくこと。  時間と気持ちがあるなら、添付した文書を読んでもらって、思ったことを言ってもらえたら、有り難いです。

 C.L.E.A.R. (Community Lifesaving Emergency Action Resource)とかC.O.R.E(Community Organising Resources Effectively)という頭字語も私なりに考えた案ですから、もっといい案があれば提案してほしいです。



Dear Tokkoh family

I would like to share with you a project I am currently working on which is related to Tokkoh/Kensan/Onebody.

Most of the inspiration for this project has come from Tokkoh/Kensan School.

I was thinking ‘how would it be in our community if there is an economic collapse or some other upheaval which changes life as we know it?”

I then began to imagine if our whole township of around 3000 people began to operate as a Yamagishi community. At first this seemed like an impossibility. However, the more I heard the talk on the radio of a possible worldwide economic collapse, the more I kept on thinking, “how would it be for us…..”

If no-one is prepared, then it could be a very sad situation. Would we all be able to pull together as a community in such a time of need? I still don’t know but I think we should try.

I have an idea to create a group in my local community which begins to implement a plan of action based on the Yamagishi way of life and using Kensan for communication/decision-making.

This plan of action would be put into practice in the case of a scenario such as an economic collapse or any other challenge our society may face which cuts off our usual supply network for food, money etc.

In other words, in the case of a break-down of the usual way of life, we would have an emergency support network in place where the whole community would begin operation along similar lines to a Yamagishi community so that the essential needs of the whole community are met by and for the community working together as One Body.

For instance, we might need to begin practicing Kensan without first doing Tokkoh although I would be aiming to receive enough interest for us to hold a Tokkoh/s in this area if possible. Therefore, I have written up a plan which I am thinking to introduce to the local community. First I am planning to email the documents to a group of like-minded and open-minded acquaintances, to see if there is any interest.

At this point in time I have made little mention of the Yamagishi communities as I am mostly interested in a nuts and bolts approach. I just want to get the idea out – pure and simple, so people can think about it without prejudice.

I know there is also the Transition Town approach, which I am also interested in and would also like to begin implementing in this township. My first plan (C.L.E.A.R) was to get this emergency plan of action into place first, as I feel the Transition Town approach may be too slow as I feel imminent change is upon us. The second one (C.O.R.E) I was thinking more about including the project as part of a Transition Initiative, which is a world-wide movement to transition communities back to being able to resource themselves at a local and sustainable level.

If any of you have the time or the inclination, I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at the documents I have attached and let me know what you think :-)

Also, the acronym CLEAR and CORE was the best I could come up with. I don’t think I am very good at thinking up names, so any other suggestions would be welcome.

Love, Peace, Truth and Oneness

ラダ(Ixchel Radha)