新しいことだらけの1週間が過ぎた。ウェリントンでの生活にも少し慣れてきた。バスから降りるときは、乗客がいっぱいでも、ほとんどの人が同じように大きな声で「Thank you」と言う。昨日私は携帯電話のニュージーランドのSIMカードを買いに町まで行った。その後キューバ通り(キューバ通りとウィリス通りは知っている)でブラブラした。そこから自分の方向性を見つけました。私はベンチに座って人々を観察していましたが、とても興味深かったです。彼らはまるでバカンスに出かけているようで、軽装で、明るいムードではれはれに見えた。
A week of new things is past. I getting use a little bit my life her in
Wellington. Iff i get out of the Bus i say loud “thank you” like almost all
doing when getting out even the bus is full of passengers. Yesterday i went
to the town for buying a newzealand SIM card for my cell phone. After i
lounched around in the Cuba street (I know Cuba str. and Willis str.) from
there i find allway my orientation. I sat on the bench and watched poeple,
very interessting, it looks like they are oll i vacation, light clothes,
light mood and sunny. Next to me 3 poeple distributed books from a Indien
Swami, “Hidding in unnatural Happines” ok its like “true happyness and the
feeling of happiness”. I spoked a little with this gays and gove them a
Tokkoh Pamphlet. I went back to the bench and in this moment the idea cam
up: print a lot of Tokkoh pamphlets and distribute tham to the poeple in
Cuba str. I don`t see any other way to make know Tokkoh. I will ask Zoe on
Monday I meet her in their home by the new potterie. Till now i felt a
little bit helpless how to spreading Tokkoh, but no stress we will
see. “There are other ways of being in this planet than what we
know. It is a natural state of being to feel Love and peace and oneness.
It is patiently waiting for us to return back to it all.”
Yamagishi. ok now I`ll hang up the loundery and then go for a
Sunday walk in the sun. Have a nice Sunday Andrén